最多優勝を誇るのはフランスですが、2019年大会で団体・個人両部門を制したフランス人が「Koichi Nakabayashi選手」です。両親は日本人ですが生まれも育ちもフランス・パリであるナカバヤシ選手。普段はフランス語を使う環境に生活している氏に、なかば編集部が無理やり日本語でインタビューを依頼しました。
European competitions are held in Europe twice every three years. France is the most frequent winner of the European Championships, and the French who won both the team and individual categories in 2019 is Koichi Nakabayashi. His parents are Japanese, but he was born and raised in Paris, France. He lives in a French-speaking environment, so we asked him to give us an interview in Japanese.
In the second part of this article, he sends a message to the world’s kenshi in French.
His article appeared in our July issue.