連載企画「海外実力派剣士」、最新号(9月号 7月25日書店発売)では、昨年の欧州大会女子個人戦優勝者・Freija D’hont(フレア ドント)選手が登場。剣道道場主の家に生まれ、幼少期から剣道を始めていたといいます。現在は学校の教員を務め、週3回以上は稽古を続けているフレア選手にアンケートをお願いしました(日本語文は9月号に掲載)。

- What do you find attractive about kendo?
There is a lot that makes kendo attractive. Whenever I practice kendo and I am in the dojo, I change a little. Eventhough kendo is very active, I do become more relaxed and controlled. I get to feel my body more and I try to feel the movements that I make. But on the other hand, giving kiai is amazing. It gives me so much strength, but also sometimes it makes me feel better because of inner struggles that I have.
I love the fact that kendo is not popular. That every time I meet people that I have to explain what it is. That I can proudly say that I am part of an amazing world.
Kendo is also very attractive for me because it is possible to mix women and men. I like that I can practice with everybody.
Another part is the part that kendo is a very respectful sport. It is not about cheering out loud, it is not about money, … it is about having and showing respect for people who you practice with.
And one of the last things is that I love it because I can do it with my family.
- What did you feel after participating in international championships?
I always feel very grateful after tournaments. I love the connection all kendoka from all over the world. We don’t see each other very often, but when we do, it feels like we have seen each other the day before. And kendo wise I always love participating in championship. It makes me realise if I got better or not, maybe after fighting opponents that I know.
- What are you proud of in kendo?
I am very proud of all my achievements. Ofcourse there are achievements that I am more proud of. First of all becoming European Champion in Ladies Individual last year. This was my all life goal and I finally did it last year! So this one makes me the proudest. But what makes it complete is that I could share that moment with my parents and my grandmother! It was the first time ever my grandmother came to watch an European Championship and I made it happen in front of her eyes.
- Do you have hobbies other than kendo?
Yes, I do. I love dancing. So the, I have free time from kendo and school. I go salsa dancing. That makes my head empty and I become so happy of the music and the dance.
- What are your future goals in kendo?
My future goal is becoming European Champion in team with the woman. I know that we are already a strong team, but I also know that we have very strong young ladies/girls waiting to be in the team. That would make my kendocarreer complete.
But my next goal will be my exam. I have to do the exam of 5th Dan. I failed once last year and now I am scared to go again. But I know that I really want to do it soon!
- Do you have any kenshi(剣士) whom you look up to as your goal (target) and why?
I have always looked up to my oldest brother, Wesley Haeke. He has been my example for my whole life. He is/was an amazing kendoka, with a great name in the kendo world. He has been European Champion when he was a junior. His kendo is also very beautiful. So he is the person I look up to.