前回(2018年)の世界大会で男女とも団体戦ベスト8入りを果たしたセルビア。男子は強豪・ブラジルも破ってのベスト8入りで、その強さを示しました。チームの中心選手だったMilos Jovanovic選手は銀行員です。

How old were you when you started Kendo and why did you start?
I was a nineteen-year-old kid roaming around the city, when (in one of Belgrade’s passageways) a kendo poster caught my attention. The next day I went to the practice and, to be honest, I didn’t like it. The bunch of people in dark uniforms and masks, screaming at each other didn’t captivate me that much. As I was a fan of Samurai movies, I wondered how it would be if I tried it out anyways.
What do you find attractive about Kendo?
Amongst many things that I find attractive, the one that stands out the most is kendo spirit. Discipline, energy, and every-day practice, which lead to a constant mental and physical improvement.
Is there anyone in your family that plays kendo?
Yes, there is. My uncle from Canada is also passionate about kendo and used to practice it and still is a member of Etobicoke Olympium Kendo Club in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He was the one that introduced me to the world of kendo.

What did you feel after participating in world and European competitions?
I was proud of myself and happy that I got a chance to be a part of such important competitions in the world of kendo. I bring best memories from Seoul when I was a taisho of the national team.
What are you proud of in Kendo?
That I still leave for the practice with the same enthusiasm as before and that I still have the same will to improve.
What are your future goals in kendo?
My current goal is to successfully prepare for examination for 6. Dan.
Do you have any kenshi whom you look up to as you goal and why?
I look up to Uchimura Ryoichi from Tokyo Metropolitan Police. I had a chance to meet him and to practice with him. He is a true inspiration.