
What is your date of birth and height?(生年月日&身長)
October 17th, 1980, 175cm
The city in which you were born and you currently live in.(出生地&現在在住地)
I was born and raised and still live in Chengdu, Sichuan, China. (四川省成都市)
What do you do in your daily work?(職業)
My wife and I run a fulltime Dojo in Chengdu, Sichuan, China, which offers Kendo and Karatedo classes. I am also a licensed referee by the World Karate Federation, and make frequent travels domestically and internationally to officiate as a Karate referee in national and international championships.
How old were you when you started kendo and why did you start?
I started training in other traditional martial arts at an early age but was only introduced to Kendo at age 20. I began Kendo because of its rich history and philosophical underpinnings.
What do you find attractive about kendo?
Compared with other martial arts, Kendo’s focus on the mind presents a superior modality for self-cultivation and life-long growth. The emphasis on integrating the mind and body creates intense states of development that can be enjoyed safely at all ages.
Is there anyone in your family who plays kendo?
Yes, my whole family enthusiastically practices Kendo. My wife is 5th Dan in Kendo, 4thDan in Iaido(居合道), 4th Dan in Jodo(杖道), my eldest son is 3rd Dan in Kendo, 1st Dan in Iaido, 2nd Dan in Jodo. And younger son is 2nd Dan in Kendo, 1st Dan in Iaido.

How many times a week and where do you practice?(Name of the dojo道場 you belong to)
Our dojo, Mugen Ryu Martial Arts Academy, is open seven days a week. I normally lead all the trainings and participate as often as possible.
Have you participated in any world championships? Have you won any prizes in World championships?
Yes, both me and my wife have represented Team China four times, from 2009 to 2018 (Brazil, Italy, Tokyo, and Korea). I placed top 32 in the individual championship in the Tokyo WKC, and was Jiho for our team that placed top eight in the Tokyo WKC.
What did you feel after participating in international championships?
It’s fascinating to see how Kendo has developed around the world and I am grateful to have crossed minds and swords with inspiring practitioners.
What are you proud of in kendo?
Kendo has taught me humility and gave me a growth mindset. This has empowered me to instill better mindsets in those around me, enabling them to live better lives through self-cultivation. I’m grateful that I have been able to promote Kendo, and the empowerment it brings, to many people, growing our Kendo population in China every year.

Do you have hobbies other than kendo?
I barely have free time, and I like to keep my life as simple as possible, so I spend my free time training and learning.
What are your future goals in kendo?
I will do my best to help train our younger generations of Kendo practitioners to do correct Kendo. I hope to elevate the technical and spiritual level of Kendo in China. Most of all I hope to encourage beneficial growth, cultural enrichment and bridge connections between people through positive Budo exchanges.
Do you have any kenshi(剣士) whom you look up to as your goal (target) and why?
I most admire Miyazaki Masahiro(宮崎正裕)sensei. His application of technical, tactical strategies along with his mental mastery truly inspires me.